
Earl & Melissa Souva
723 Himebaugh
Bronson, MI 49028
[email protected]


From Sturgis take US-12 East to St. Joe Rd., turn right. Continue to Sielkens Rd., turn left. Continue to Himebaugh Rd., turn right. We are located on the left side of the road.

From I-69/Coldwater take US-12 West to Himebaugh Rd., turn left. Continue South to Sielkens Rd., turn right. Turn left again on Himebaugh Rd. We are on the left side of the road.

From the South take I-69 to Exit 3/Kinderhook Rd., turn left off the exit. At Angola Rd., turn right. Continue for 5 miles to Central Rd, turn left. Continue for 6 miles to Gilead Lake Rd., turn right. Continue to US-12, turn left. At Himebaugh Rd turn left. Continue South to Sielkens Rd., turn right. Turn left again on Himebaugh Rd. We are on the left side of the road.

BUSINESS HOURS:  Monday -Friday  8 AM – 4 PM (EST)

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